Thursday, February 27, 2020

Written Assignment # 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Written # 3 - Assignment Example The sectors are constructed with grooves and tiles, of which were symbolic of their faith. The nave being the main body of the church provided the central point to the high alter which was developed out of the apse. This architectural design resulted in the development of the Gothic Christian abbey, Romanesque, and cathedral basilica. The Abbey church of Saint- Denis is regarded as the first known Gothic structure in which Christians were able to worship. While the Hagia Sophia was a former orthodox basilica church and later became an imperial mosque. Synagogue is a derivative Hebrew word which means house of gathering. It is a housing for gathered prayer and discussions (Soltes). The five books of Moses are practiced in Judaism, the Torah, and the Jewish Bible (Soltes). They pray while facing Jerusalem and the synagogue structure is oriented to this. In the religion of Judaism, god is nonfigurative, and yet this notion is false because the district synagogues have displayed artistry. For instance, the Dura-Eurpus synagogue, one will find the Torah niche. The division of these designs provides a candelabrum of seven branches, the Menorah, a continuous Jewish art emblem. The number seven symbolizes the perfection and completion and represents the commandment of keeping the seventh day holy as stated in the Torah (Soltes). Also seen is the continuous narrative, of a chronological storyline of the life of Moses (239 A.D).The whole notion of a continuous narration is to do with the visual belief of how to exemplify the relationship b etween God and humanity (Soltes). Christians worship in churches, while Jews worship in synagogues, as the meeting point between sacred as well as profane, and between profanes and sacer. Within a synagogue, it is easy to find the western wall as it normally has a torah niche, which orients those in prayer towards Jerusalem. Architecture of the medieval Jewish synagogue differed from place to

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Two tourism plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two tourism plans - Essay Example It has also clearly come out that the planning processes are synonymous and success is only guaranteed by how effective the process is based on the environment in the study. These strategies target a travelling population and they are a function of the type of tourism, level of tourism and the geography of the place in question. Tourism planning in Turkey is based on a strategy that emphasizes on Planning, Investment and Organization. It is a long term strategy that aims at overall improving tourism in the country for a long period of time. However, the Visit-Scotland strategy is a short term plan that is aimed at maximizing the efforts of the Scottish government for purposes of sustainable economic growth. The Turkey Tourism Strategy also targets domestic tourism thus ensuring that tourism takes place continuously throughout the year. The Scotland Tourism Strategy, however, targets the international community more thus does not outline much about local tourism. The Turks targets leisure tourists who visit the country for purposes for enjoyment and leisure. The Visit-Scotland strategy also targets the business community, thereby appealing more to official travellers and business people seeking platforms for business investment Turkey is hailed for early tourism development. As such, it has an early structural development and beautiful scenery as a major tourism attraction. Scotland is also well known for ancient structural development, Agriculture and Craft. The Turkey Tourism Development Strategy aims more on bringing out their tourist attraction sites even through the use of eye-catching photography. The Visit-Scotland Strategy is more dwelt on protecting the national interests through guarding the environment from pollution and ensuring that visitors connect with the country’s business systems for national development. The regional strategy targets a wider range of tourists and thereby is more