Saturday, December 21, 2019

Characteristics Theories Of Personality Traits - 907 Words

Traits perspectives The Five-Factor model is a condensed representation of different types of personalities. The emerging consensus is that the structure of personality may incorporate five superordinate factors (Carver Scheier, 2012). Traits, in general, have been used to denote consistent patterns of behavior, especially expressive or stylistic behavior (John Robins, 2008). Trait psychologists focus on the variety of traits. On the other hand, motive psychologist tend to focus on the motives which drive a behavior. Many theorists such as Goldberg, McCrae and many more highlight the many descriptions of personality traits into five categories. The Five Factor of Personality The theorists of the five-factor model organized five categories to describe common personality traits. Extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and open to experience (Carver Scheier, 2012). Extraverison is defined as an outward expression of a person’s interests or things which d o not involve self. Neuroticism is the stability of emotions. Agreeableness is the reflection of behaviors while maintaining relationships. Conscientiousness is the representation of responsible behavior in most aspects of one’s life. Lastly, open to experience is the probability of trying new things (Carver Scheier, 2012). Everyone falls within the spectrum of the five categories. Spontaneous peopleShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Theory : Trait Theory1373 Words   |  6 Pages Organizational Behavior Theory: Trait Theory Michael Sinnett MGT500 – Organizational Behavior Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Larry Key September 24, 2017â€Æ' Organizational Behavior Theory: Trait Theory There are so many aspects that make up human behavior. For example, a person s environment and their genetics are a couple of aspects that make up an individual s behavior. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

My Personal Experience with Religion Free Essays

string(18) " give us a taste\." I have considered myself a religious person for most of my life.   I was saved at ten years old, but I have been in church since I was two years old.   I know that many people say that religion and Christianity are not the same, but I am one of those few people who do believe that religion is important to. We will write a custom essay sample on My Personal Experience with Religion or any similar topic only for you Order Now    I think that you cannot have one without the other.   They are both vital to the spiritual makeup of a person. If it had not been for my acceptance of Christ and the Holy Spirit that dwells in me, I don’t know what would have happened to me.   I definitely would not be the person that I am today.   I have always prayed about everything.   I believe that God is my spiritual father, and just like I talk with my biological father and converse with him everyday, I talk with my heavenly about everything. I believe that it is very hard to talk freely with a stranger.   Before you open up and bare your soul to someone, there is an established relationship.   It is the same with God.   It is extremely hard to take everything to him if a person does not know him.   I cannot remember a time when I have not had a relationship with him. It has made a huge difference in my life to be able to talk to him about everything.   I have actually had many prayers answered.   There is no way that I could remember all of them since they have happened every day of my life.   Therefore, my spiritualism has grown and changed over time.   When I was much younger, I saw God as one who had to be obeyed, but I have now grown to the point where I actually do have a relationship with him.   I used to worry so much about how I would handle everything in my life. Now I know that it is all in God’s hands.   I have learned that I have to completely trust him, and that all of my plans and worrying is not going to help.  Ã‚   It sounds on paper like I have just given up, but nothing can be further from the truth.   I have actually gotten stronger, and the time I used to spend on worrying, I now spend on talking to God. I do think that my religion has helped to strengthen my relationship with God.   It is through my religion that I have a church family of people who I can depend upon for my strength.   It is a wonderful sense of well being when I know that I have a whole host of people behind me that love and care about me because of our common beliefs through Jesus Christ.   I also believe that a religion is easier to understand when you are a part of it because you have access to others to teach you.   I have always had mentors and ministers to help me in my understanding of the faith that I have chosen. They not only tell me what they believe about it, but they have encouraged me to seek the scriptures to find my answers, and since they are more experienced than I am, they can steer me in the right direction to find those scriptures.   The faith that I am associated with encourages its members to seek answers from the scripture.   It is not encouraged to accept something just because a person tells us that is the way that it is.   I have many friends from other faiths, and it is nearly impossible for them to overcome the stereotypes that they have heard about my religion.   I find that I have the same problem when it comes to theirs as well. As I stated earlier, my religion encourages its members to try our beliefs with what the scriptures says.   Because of that I do think that I can remain objective.   I have learned that when I challenge something that someone of my faith says is right or wrong, I can go to the scriptures and if it is not there, I can choose to disregard the opinion.   In fact I believe that everyone has challenged at least one thing that their religion upholds.   I think that is only human and it is perfectly natural. If one cannot be objective and at least listen to both sides of a religious topic, then the person must look closely at whether he/she is brainwashed.   Questioning and objectivity is a good thing.   One cannot grow and accept other if he/she does not remain objective.   The only thing that cannot be changed what the Bible says about an issue. My life has been a full one and it has been steeped in religion.   I have enjoyed it immensely.   I am proud of the way that I have grown in my religion and my faith.   I would have to say that my religious experience has been a totally positive experience. Works Cited Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Life. 2003. Nashville: Zonderman Press. The Sacred Ritual There have been many sacred rituals that I have participated in during the course of my life.   The one that I enjoy the most and that has had the most impact on me is communion.   It is something that started with the night of Jesus’ arrest before his crucifixion.   I believe that the ritual is so beautiful and meaningful that I get emotional every time I take it. When I was a little child, I could not understand why all of the adults got to eat and drink from those cute cups and I could not have it.   Therefore, I suppose I hated the ritual at first.   I especially couldn’t understand how my own mother, who share everything with her children, could eat and drink in front of us and not even give us a taste. You read "My Personal Experience with Religion" in category "Essay examples"   I remember that her attempts at explaining it to us were feeble at best, so I would get angry every communion.   I cannot help but get a little tickled even today when I hear the small children at my church when communion is served.   Most of them are questioning their parents and grandparents and I automatically go back to my youth in my mind and remember all of my frustrations. Once I was saved and was able to take communion, I was just so glad that I was one of the big people, that I still did not realize the significance of what I was doing.   It was not until I was in my late teens that I realized what it was really all about.   At my church, a sermon on communion is always preached.   It might seem repetitive to some, but like a favorite bedtime story, or favorite movie, it is a joy to revisit the seen of the last supper.   I love the part where Jesus explains to the disciples what each part of the ritual means, and I enjoy what the Apostle Paul explains that it is not just a fellowship supper, but a meaningful link between Jesus and the Christian people. I find it refreshing during the part where all of the Christians in the church take time to reflect on the sins in their lives.   Sometimes it is painful when they are remembered, but after I have asked forgiveness, I feel as fresh as a newborn baby.   I am ready to start over.   There is also a time to ask forgiveness of others that we might have wronged.   This is also a special time.   I love it when I am reunited with someone that I have been at odds with. Then there is the sacred time of sharing the bread and the cup with our Lord Jesus.   The bread is the symbol of the body of Christ.   When we break it to eat it, it symbolizes what cruelties were done to his body.   I was not in Jerusalem the day of the crucifixion, but by taking part in communion I can be.   He died as much for me as he did the ones living at the time.   Therefore, when I break the bread, I am actually symbolizing that I did break his body so that he could die for my sins.   Then I drink from the cup that is supposed to represent the blood of Christ.   Without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin.   When I drink from the cup, I symbolize that his blood was spilled, and only through the spilling of the Savior’s blood could I be saved. When I ponder these things, I get chilled just knowing what Jesus has done for me and every other person.   He did not have to, but he willingly went to the cross for us.   Communion is one of the ways that I get to be reminded of the tremendous gift that Christ gave to all mankind. Works Cited The Holy Bible. King James Version. New York: Thomas Nelson Press. My Understanding Since I have taken this class, I have had a little better understanding of evil in the world.   I say a little because I have thought about this so much that my feelings on the matter have progressed over a long period of time. I feel that there are many reasons that God allows evil to exist in the world.   I believe that man has a great deal to do with it.   Yes, God is all powerful, but he allows us to live with the mess that we have made.   I will use the example of the horrible Hurricane Katrina.   There were many good people who lost everything that they had and many even lost their lives.   The same can be said of those who had not lived good lives.   There were babies who died, many elderly, and many in the prime of their lives. Some might question why God would allow this to happen.   Instead they should question man.   It was man who built so many houses and cleared so many forest and wetlands that the water had no where to go.   It was man who built underneath Lake Pontchartrain, and it was man who did not do adequate upkeep on the levies.   It could be argued that man helped create the hurricane itself with his utter disregard to the environment which is leading to global warming.   It is man who has to live with the decisions he and others before him have made.   God designed the earth to be perfect.   It was man who messed things up and brought sin into the earth.   If he had stopped man, then he would have taken away personal choice. My ability to understand what is right and wrong has changed over the years.   First I accepted what my parents told me was right and wrong.   When I became a teen, I judged what was right and wrong with what I wanted to do and think.   Now I search the scriptures.   I read the Bible as much as I can, and I have a pretty good feel for the obvious things that are right and wrong.   I will argue an opinion, but when it comes to the Word of God, I feel that if it is in the Bible, then that is the way that it is. I pray about situations that I have a difficult time determining what is right and wrong, and God never fails to send me a sign.   Sometimes it is not the one that I wanted, but he still delivers.   I also rely on what many people call a conscious, but I feel is the Holy Spirit.   I believe if I listen to the still small voice within me, then it is usually more right than what society tells me is right and wrong. Socrates` question: `Is something right because God commands it or does he command it because it is right?`   I feel that there are times that people think too much and this is an example.   Words are powerful and they can also have the power to confuse us.   I feel that God only commands what is right and he is omnipotent therefore he is right.   If he is the creator of all things, and I believe that he is, then he created right and wrong.   At the same time he commands things to be right because he determined it.   God is right. Works Cited Stearns, Bill. Fine Lines: Knowing God’s Right/Wrongs for Your Life. San Bernardino: Here’s Life Publishers. 1987. How to cite My Personal Experience with Religion, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Management Skills Managing Cultural Diversity

Question: Discuss about the Management Skills for Managing Cultural Diversity. Answer: Introduction: In an article, Workplace Bullying: A Complex Problem in Contemporary Organizations authored by Alexia Georgakopoulos, LaVenaWilkin and Brianna Kent in International Journal of Business and Social Science Volume 2, Issue 3 during 2011, workplace bullying is identified as a grave problem affecting the operations of the business institutions. The article effectively underlies and analyses different reasons and factors that contribute in generating bullying activity at the workplace. The same is reflected in Appendix 1. Further, the article also hints at effective solutions that need to be undertaken at the organisational level for reducing the growth and impact of workplace bullying. The same is reflected in Appendix 2. The study in the research article was mainly conducted to evaluate the factors causing workplace bullying. The study also focused on identifying the different types of interventions that are needed to be undertaken for countering workplace bullying. The evaluation of the factors and solutions regarding workplace bullying is carried out for helping the United States- based firms understand and identify situations. Also, actions need to be taken to reduce its impacts (Galpin, 2011). Further, the articles objective is to increase potential awareness related to workplace bullying and also the costs associated with it. The study also indicated the contagiousness of the bullying behaviour at the workplace. Bullying activities and behaviours reflected on the part of the business managers are observed to encourage bullying behaviour among the subordinate groups involved in the various organisational departments (DesslerTeicher, 2004). The bullying behaviour reflected by senior groups in an organisation is ideally observed by subordinates as an integral part of the organisational culture. The research article also reflects existence and growth of workplace bullying in multinational organisations employing a diverse workforce (Dulaimi Sailan, 2011). Workplace bullying in a diverse workforce gains needed strength in that person belonging to the minority groups and also from diverse ethnic, social, sexual and educational backgrounds become the subject of bullying activities (Antunes, 2010). The lack of needed awareness regarding the identification of activities classified as workplace bullying affects the understanding of the peoples manner. The same can be tackled for generation of individual and group productivity (Brown, 2011). The research article finally highlights on the different policy implications that needed to be undertaken for reducing the occurrences associated with workplace bullying. Generation of skill-based training for organisational managers constitute an effective aspect that can help them in managing and countering the impacts of organisational bullying (Grimshaw, 2009). Similarly, the generation of videos reflecting examples and styles of workplace bullying is needed to carry out for contributing to the growth of potential awareness among people involved along different levels and units in the business institution (Orrick, 2008). The complexity of workplace bullying is reflected in the research article that varies bullying practices from situation to situation and organisation to organisation. The article argues that different types of solutions and problem-solving approaches to be undertaken for effectively resolving the issues associated with bullying conducts at workplaces (Georgakopoulos et al., 2011). Traumatic Experiences of Workplace Bullying David Farmer in the research article, Workplace Bullying: An increasing epidemic creating traumatic experiences for targets of workplace bullying published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 1, No.7 during 2011 reflects the different types of traumatic experiences faced by organisational members for an existence of workplace bullying. It also reflects on the various types of policy recommendations that are needed to be undertaken by the organisational managers for reducing the impact of workplace bullying (Yeung, 2011). The research article potentially highlights the adverse impacts of bullying activities on the part of managers and other subordinate groups on other organisational members in the business institution. Survey carried out amongst organisational members reflect adverse impacts of workplace bullying like increased level of anxiety, disturbed sleeping conditions, loss of needed concentration, depressive conditions and also the emergence of panic attacks (Elearn, 2009). The article potentially reflects that the incidence and growth of disruptive health conditions are directly proportional to the increase in the level of workplace bullying. Individuals suffering from low-esteem become the potential sufferers of workplace bullying practices. Sufferers of workplace bullying feel stressed out such that the same affects their productivity and performance (Budhwar Debrah, 2013). Further, different types of intervention strategies like counselling individuals responsible for the bullying activities and also a collaboration with organisational leaders for generation of effective policies and rules are undertaken for reducing the impacts of bullying activities at the workplace (Zinyemba, 2014). This article thus generates potential importance in understanding the adverse impacts of workplace bullying on the psychological and physiological situation of organisational members. Similarly, the research article also reflects the importance of the development of an ombudsman and the Employee Assistance Program or EAP that would increasingly help in generation of needed assistance to employees that are sufferers of bullying activities in their workplaces (Ishaq Zuilfqa, 2014). The research article effectively contributes in highlighting different types of policy recommendations like zero-tolerance of workplace bullying, development of health and safety policies and incorporation of training and developmental programs for reducing the incidence of workplace bullying (McKenna Russell, 2008). Evidence of the use of intervention programs like the same mentioned above is also highlighted in the research article subjected to business organisations operating in various regions and provinces of Canada and United States (Farmer, 2011). The research article authored by Farmer (2011) potentially elucidates on the different types of intervention programs that are needed to be undertaken by the organisational managers for reducing the impacts of workplace bullying. The elucidation of the impacts of the workplace bullying, also the generation of different intervention programs associated with workplace bullying is carried out effectively in the research article authored by Farmer (2011) compared to that generated in the research article authored by Georgakopoulos et al. (2011). Efficacy of the Intervention Programs The article authored by Chris Woodrow and David E. Guest, When good HR gets bad results: exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying in Human Resources Management Journal, Volume 24, no. 1 during 2014 discusses that the efficacy of the intervention programs for reducing the impact of workplace bullying gains holds based on the potential recordings of evidence and situations concerning bullying practices at workplaces. Woodrow and Guest (2014) reflect that absence of effective awareness regarding workplace bullying makes it even harder and difficult for being identified. It is argued the growth of the number in reporting practices regarding workplace bullying would contribute in the identification of the different types and patterns of bullying taking place in the organisation. The effective remedial measures can be taken at different accords for controlling and governing the bullying activities at the workplaces (Zgheib, 2014). The growth in the level of reporting practices regarding workplace bullying and the development of potential policies and measures for tackling such would evidently help in developing a bullying free work culture in the organisation (Leverett Leverett, 2013). Further, the journal article also focuses on understanding the factors that contribute in facilitating or rather obstructing the implementation process concerning human resources policies for countering workplace bullying. The existence of mixed messages regarding the implementation of the policies with also the failure in generating needed priority in understanding the subcultures of the subordinate groups has made difficult for implementing the human resources policies (Jones, 2013). The research also suggests of an effective coordination between the organisational managers, human resources department and the employees and other subordinate groups for countering the emergence of workplace bullying. The development of effective communication between the organisational members contributes in reducing the chances of emergence of workplace bullying events (Woodrow Guest, 2014). Workplace Bullying Increasing Employee Burnout S.G. Trepanier, C. Fernet and S. Austin states in A Longitudinal Investigation of Workplace Bullying, Basic Need Satisfaction, and Employee Functioning published during 2014 in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology that workplace bullying increases employee burnout and also the enhancement of workplace stress that affects both individual and organisational productivity and performance in an enhanced fashion (Cascarino, 2012). The article argues that continual exposure of employees to workplace bullying happens to affect their psychological needs. Similarly, increase in the duration of bullying activities at the workplace significantly impacts the professional development and sense of autonomy of the employees in the workplace (Bono Heijden, 2011). However, the research indicates a future direction were employees that have become sufferers from workplace bullying tend to focus on the gaining on social support from their colleagues and peers (Dulaimi Sailan, 2011). The reduction in the level of autonomy in the workplace with also increase burnout of the employees makes them feel cynical about the job. Again, the reduced access of the employees to both physical and psychological resources in the workplace contributes to increasing their level of exhaustion. This is a reason why they want to quit the job (Schoeman, 2014). Similarly, the increase in the level of workplace bullying tends to create a sense of doubt and emotional drain for the employees. The sufferers of workplace bullying continually focus their energies on anticipating their future meetings with the person responsible for bullying and the manner they would respond to the new bullying tactics of the person. The research article further reflects that employees that tend to have a lack in the level of physical and psychological resources at the initial level tend to further feel a sense of emotional distress affecting their accessibility to further resources (BramoulleÃÅ'  Goyal, 2009). The uncontrollable amount of workplace bullying in an organisation potentially affects the commitment and vitality levels of the employees thereby reducing the performance and productivity levels of staffs. The reciprocal relationship between increases in the amount of workplace bullying with the level of employee attrition in the organisation tends to further enhance workplace stress for the other employees in the organisation. This further enhances the amount of employee burnout contributing to growth in future employee attrition rates (Trpanier et al., 2014). Comparisons between the Above Researches A comparison between the research conducted by Trepanier et al. (2014) and Farmer (2011) reflect that the former focuses on reflecting the impact of workplace bullying on the psychological situation of the employees while the latter goes further in evaluating the use of different types of intervention programs for reducing the impacts of workplace bullying on the organisational workforce. Again, the study of the research article authored by Woodrow and Guest (2014) potentially reflects on the factors addressing the failure and reducing the problems associated with workplace bullying. It reflects on the lack of awareness among the types of organisational members and managers regarding and patterns of workplace bullying as in the research by Georgakopoulos et al. (2011) along with the different types of solutions that needs to be taken for managing and solving the workplace problems from using the activities of bullying at the workplace. Woodrow and Guest (2014) reflect that the proper reporting practices are needed for bullying practices at workplace contribute in further aggravating the problem in the organisations. This leads to continued tension in the organisation and also in reducing the efficiency and productivity in a mutual fashion for both the employees and the business institution. The development of awareness and skill development training programs for both the managers and the subordinate staffs regarding workplace bullying contributes not only in identifying such but also in effectively countering its impacts. Georgakopouloset. al. (2011) also argued that workplace bullying not only impacts on the psychic level of the organisational workforce but also adds to the operational and manpower cost of the organisation. The article also reflected the need for a development of tailor-made solutions for addressing workplace-bullying problems. The types of workplace bullying tend to vary from situation to situation and from organisation to organisation. The same tends to add the level of complexity of the problems associated with workplace bullying. Implementation and Reflection Week 1 Monday 12th September 2016 I undertook a library study both on a grosser and virtual level for understanding the aspects of workplace bullying. Tuesday 13th September 2016 Along with collection of needed anecdotes, I further focused on observing issues regarding workplace bullying in the university campus among my colleagues and students of other units Wednesday 14th September 2016 I undertook a survey of people both on the university campus and regional workplaces that have become sufferers of workplace bullying. Thursday 15th September 2016 Evaluated the results gained from the survey with the inferences gained from the literature studied to identify gaps. Friday 16th September 2016 Started making diary postings regarding issues showing evidence of bullying practices at workplaces. Saturday 17th September 2016 Asked the sufferers of the bullying practices to undertake a passive approach on issues concerning bullying practices. Sunday 18th September 2016 Finally, focused on understanding whether the passive approach to bullying practices would help in a sustaining confidence of the sufferers. Week 2 Monday 19th September 2016 Undertook a personal evaluation of me working in a bullying situation at the workplace. Tuesday 20th September Attended webinars for understanding the impacts of workplace bullying. Wednesday 21st September 2016 Create realistic goals and visions regarding the creation of a bullying-free workplace. Thursday 22ndSeptember 2016 To improve personal and group motivation for countering bullying activities at the workplace. Friday 23rd September 2016 To motivate my peers and other students to counter bullying in the campus. Saturday 24th September 2016 Focus on evaluating the impacts of motivation for fighting against workplace bullying. Sunday 25th September 2016 To understand whether countering of workplace bullying has increased productivity. Week 3 Monday 26th September 2016 Development of personal and group awareness regarding workplace bullying. Tuesday 27th September 2016 Reflect both on the inputs gained from empirical discussions and seminars concerning tactics for reducing workplace bullying. Wednesday 28th September 2016 Focus on creating realistic goals for reducing bullying practices at the campus. Thursday 29th September 2016 Help in the management of stressful situations through the involvement of meditation techniques. Friday 30th September 2016 Focus on understanding how my involvement helped them in countering the impacts of bullying. Saturday 1st October 2016 Development of my listening and observation skills for dealing effectively with workplace bullying. Sunday 2nd October 2016 Develop an effective relationship with the people that I had engaged with for dealing with workplace bullying. Implementation I countered a problem regarding the management of the three-week period involving the study of literature, attending conferences and different workplaces for gaining evidence regarding workplace bullying. (See Appendix 3) The same required me to drop the idea of visiting different workplaces for gaining a direct understanding of workplace bullying and the modes of dealing with it. I also failed in consulting a large number of journals and other online cases reflecting empirical evidence on workplace bullying. I also planned for conducting effective interviews and surveys with students studying in different universities that have been sufferers of bullying practices. Owing to my busy schedule, I failed in surveying and interviewing of students of different universities and business institutions that have been sufferers of workplace bullying. (See Appendix 4) I only limited my interview and survey activity regarding the student groups in my own university failing to extend the same beyond the purview of the university campus to other institutions and workplaces. The interviewing of students relating to my own university reflected potential evidences regarding the occurrences of bullying practices within the educational campus. Conducting of interviews and surveys also contributed in earning information regarding intervention procedures and activities that are undertaken by the university authorities for reducing of bullying and ragging practices inside the campus. Reflection The learning gained from the above topic ideally helped me in understanding the different categories and types of workplace bullying. It also contributed in evaluating the impacts of the workplace bullying activities on the productivity and performance of the employees in the organisations. Finally, the study of the topic also highlighted on the different types of intervention mediums that can be undertaken by the organisational manager relating to the effective identification and reporting of workplace bullying and also the different types of consultation, motivation and governing and monitoring strategies that can be undertaken by the business manager for reducing the emergence and impacts of workplace bullying. My experiences regarding the impacts of workplace bullying on the emotional and physical situation of the employees and organisational staffs ideally reason the study made regarding the impacts of workplace bullying on the organisational members. My personal experiences potentially highlight that continual pressure generated by senior members of the organisation both in terms of physical and emotional bullying happened to reduce the productivity and performance potential of the workers in a retail institution. The same also promoted increased levels of attrition of the employees from the retail firm that affected the performance of the firm as a whole. The study of the above topic regarding workplace bullying ideally contributed in clarifying my understanding regarding workplace bullying. It helped me to ideally understand the manner in which the activities associated with workplace bullying can be potentially identified by the organisational managers and the different strategies that can be undertaken from time to time and based on diverse workplace and bullying situations for tackling the impacts of such on individual and group performances of organisational members. In the university I was appointed as a group or task leader appointed by the university authorities for the effective management and completion of different educational tasks and also in carrying out excursion events. I continually worked in close cooperation with the different team members belonging to the different task groups such that it would help in potentially involving and empowering the members to take individual decisions. Team leaders operating under me however reflected bullying behaviour in influencing the group members for faster completion of the tasks. They also reflected needed biasness in supporting some group members based on their liking at the cost of the effort rendered by other members. In my tenure as a Departmental Manager in a retail firm, I focused on tackling the issue of workplace bullying that was rendered by the team leader of the grocery department of the subordinate members. Recording practices were developed such that the same helped in identification of the bullying offered by the team leader on the subordinate staffs along the different departments in the retail institution. The team leader tended to act in a bossy manner over the subordinate staffs such that he ordered the staffs to meet the visual merchandising, sales and customer servicing targets while him not getting involved with the potential activities. The subordinate staffs were also restrained by the team leader from generating any effective suggestion or recommendation for completing the tasks. The intervention programs also included development of awareness programs and team meeting for carrying out discussions with the team leader and subordinate staffs regarding countering cases of workpl ace bullying. The intervention programs are undertaken by me effectively helped the subordinate staffs through empowering the staffs for taking decisions regarding visual merchandising and other sales and customer servicing issues. The subordinate staffs reported that they were very pleased and satisfied regarding the reduction of workplace bullying which helped them to work in a productive fashion in the firm. The lessons gained from the study of the topic regarding workplace bullying reflected that the identification of different types of workplace bullying is critical for both the managers and employees. The lesson reflected that identification and evaluation of workplace bullying are difficult for both the managers and the employees on account of its complexity and also because of its varying nature based on diverse workplace situations. 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